I didn't reed the pages yet, but ther are so many people who think they now the truth about bonsai, while this is a very complicaed en often a personal issue, and also, it depends on wich part of Europe the trees are growing. to be able to give good advise.
I, personaly think it's impssible to write in a few pages how to create a bonsai, to let it develop in the right way, and to keep it healthy.
If you want to give good advise, in most cases you need to see the tree live.
If you want to tell when to prune, and how, than there is a big difference in wich stadium the tree is.
Is it a starter tree, it will be pruned completely different than when it's a developed bonsai allready.
I also think it's not the meaning of this forum to try to sell information, if you want to help someone, than share your info and let others respond on it.
The only thing you can sell here are trees. This is only my personal opinion.
Kind regards, Luc.